The Chapel

The Chapel

Upper Chapel (Unitarian) is located at the top of Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JD

It is a place of Worship and has been since 1700.

Maximum (seated only) capacity on the ground floor:  300 persons

The Gallery is limited to 60 persons

Hire rates and conditions are available from the Premises Manager

on 07808 064 693


The Chapel enjoys excellent acoustics and hosts some prestigious musical performances including concerts by Sheffield based Music in The Round

The Chapel is easily accessible to all and has a hearing loop facility

suitable for speech and live acoustic music.

The space may also be used for talks and presentations for which

an 8' x 6' screen can be hired.

Free wifi.

A well maintained Yamaha Grand Piano is available on the raised Chancel Platform. 

The three manual organ is one of the finest in Sheffield.

Accessible toilet on the premises.

Parking is NOT available on site. Please contact the Premises Manager

for advice should the unloading of a vehicle be required.

The Chapel - A Brief History

Music in the Round performing in the Chapel.                                         Image by kind permission of Music in the Round, Sheffield.  Copyright 2021

Music in the Round performances at Upper Chapel (videos)

Ensemble 360: DVORAK Piano Quartet No 2, Op.87

Ensemble 360: BEETHOVEN String Quartet No 5, Op.18

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